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Lukas Beben Wood Art

Would you like to discover stories and tales hidden in the wood? If you use your imagination I can take you on a journey to this wonderful world....

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My name is Lukas Beben and I come from a little town called Nowa Sol, in the west of Poland. 

I currently create and work in the UK, Germany and Poland. My father, Lech Beben, is a sculptor, too.

Even as a small boy, I was interested in drawing and painting, particularly in oil painting, depicting battle scenes. At the age of six, I asked my parents for a huge sheet of paper (2 meters by 2 meters). They didn’t know what I was going to do with it.

I spread the paper on the floor, in the hall of our small apartment, sharpened some pencils and started to draw. My father often repeats this story. He says that I started with a small hand somewhere in the middle of the paper. After a few days, the picture depicted a complete battle scene, in which the Polish charged at the Turkish army. To this day, in the attic of my parents' house, there is a rolled piece of grey paper, with hundreds of knights drawn and a small hand holding a sword somewhere in the middle. Only, which one was the first one? I worked hard all my childhood, developing my talent and skills, leaving thousands of drawings awkwardly stuck in the cupboards and drawers in my room. When I was about 13 years old, my dad understood that this is not just a temporary fascination. He took me to a very reputable city artist, Mrs Janina Goral. She was supposed to judge if I had talent, or maybe I was only good in the eyes of loving parents. To this day, I remember the amazing atmosphere in her studio, located on the fourth floor of a beautiful tenement house; the smell of oil paint, turpentine and linseed oil, the dust, lightly floating in the air, dancing in the rays of a hot summer sun, sneaking in through a huge, beautifully-ornamented old window. I remember how she set the jug, apple and crystal glass on a small table in the middle of the room. She gave me a pencil and a piece of paper and asked, 'Begin'. I remember myself thinking… just 'start'? and that's it? Well, I obediently started to work, as always with no pattern, no plan and no school. I guess that's how I created to this day ... After about an hour she came over, put glasses on her nose and from behind my back she said: ‘enough’. I was devastated. I just started shading. She approached my dad and said that I didn't need to come anymore and that I wasn’t good only in the eyes of my parents. She asked him to look after me because I had a talent.

Fortunately, as a teenager, I have not abandoned my interests and art has always accompanied me in my life. I did graffiti, drew comics, painted pictures, and did graphics. I just didn’t want to do one thing.

I didn’t want to sculpt in wood, like my father.

I graduated from university as an engineer and landscape designer. I wanted to utilise my talent into something useful such as designing and changing the landscape. Since I love nature and so

I  love gardens. Unfortunately, this career to that date didn’t give me satisfaction. First, I designed gardens, the interiors, then I took up architectural design and I had my part in designing the bus station in Zary, Poland, and finally, I worked as a furniture designer. Until I got to the point in my life when I didn’t know what to do next. I was looking for something for myself. I remember talking about it with my father in his workshop. He asked if I didn’t want to try the sculpture. Me, really? The one who so refused to do so?

I tried ...

Today working with wood is my passion...


My Work

I am a wood sculptor and I create my products to order. I use mainly hardwood such as oak, sycamore, lime, sometimes beech or ash; also, high-quality softwood like cider or redwood.

Thanks to my friends working in the wood industry, I have access to wood that does not come directly from the logging. I use wood from dead or felled trees. I also often create from trees cut by the client in his property. Thanks to this I act according to my rule and I do not contribute to the destruction of the environment and the ecosystems.

I also try to make the sculpture usable and so

I create benches, terraces, carved columns, artistic playgrounds, garden furniture, furniture elements used inside buildings as well as signs.

When I receive an order, the customer receives several sketches. They choose the one they like or suggest changes and so they decide on the final appearance of the product.

To do my carvings I use chain saws, electric machines such as e.g. grinders as well as chisels to add details and finish off my work. I try to use old school methods of woodworking passed on to me by my father so that they are never forgotten ...

Well impregnated wood can survive in unchanged form for many years. Thus, all products, depending on the purpose, are preserved with high quality impregnates.

My work




mobile: 0048791776515


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